Sunday, 22 May 2011

Younger Brother

This is the final drawing of the Younger brother design that iv done more details can be found in one of my pass posts.


  • ( first few second are needed to be seen)
  • ( first few second are needed to be seen)

What iv Learned

This is the part where I talk about all the stuff iv learned over the last term duing my last project.
What I learned duing the photoshop thase of making my Menu was using different resources apart from what i can find on the internet or books because duing the early parts of the design stages i found it hard to get my hands on parchment for the back ground image of my menu but by the end of the search i found a deviant artist on deviant art called "DarthMaiden" that had some in his soruse images gallery. So What id learned was "don't ask don't get". The next thing i learned was to give cridit to thoses iv gotten work from in order to help me complete my work.

Now iv not really done much work in Maya and i didn't show any in my final pieces but that was partly because of some computer problems that i had and losed Maya on my computer and could not get it back. One of my origanal ideas was to use maya to make my seals into 3D objects to show in my final show but it was not my dream to be a 3D artist so i learned about it and got a real understanding of it and how it works so that if i ever have to give my work to a 3D artist to rig, texture, and Animate i have the now how to not make something thats not to silly and hard to do. The only thing i wish i had done was learn abit more about Maya and Zbrush. Yes z brush is another one of the program that i wished id learned more about but i could not get my head around it so in the end i desided to not in cluded it in my project.

Another program iv learned about is Photoshop and what style of digital painting makes me most happy doing. Now of course iv just started painting in a different style and it will take me a bit of time to learn but iv pick up on Speed painting this appels to me because i find it hard to wrok for long periods of time on something that iv come up with myselfbut for some reason im happy working on something im given to work on.The other thing iv started working on is tone in skin as well as cloths armour etc.

When it comes to my project itself iwas inspired by the elder scrolls game as well as Fable fallout and other thing like Naruto, Dragonball Z, and Bleach as well. But as for Neg 1 I worked on narritive and concept work. In Neg 2 i desided to work on a game assent instead as well as a little narritive too to help bring it all together at the end. If i could change one thing about this project it would be to have put in some more characters or make my menu work and go to other menus like a character creation menu for exsample. but in the end im happy with what iv do i belive that maybe i could have done more but iv had a hard time dealing with the Stress that is coused at this time of year for all students. but that all taken care of now and i now i did the best i could as well as keeping a good balance on my work and health.

I also learned abit of Flash to put together the menu as well i got some help with that to from my friend Sarah she is also a devaint artist but she did not provide me with any resourse to help complete my final piece but she took me thought flash .

Friday, 20 May 2011

The Older Brother

This is the Older Brother of my Game He is the one how Murders His Parents but cannot bring himself to kill is younger brother due to the point that he was the only one in the family he felt he had to keep alive but was never able to think of why he did spare him on that night. But now he is on his own quest to gain power and take over Eldora which as you go thought the game and discover the serects of Eldora he does take Eldora and at that point is where you start playing as the younger Brother.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Version 2 Eldora Main Menu

Sorry but yet agian blogger won't let me upload my video clip of my menu so i ll leave a link again

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Prototype main menu

now for some reason i can't post the flash clip heree so i lll post a link to it in stead

Sunday, 15 May 2011

The younger Bother age 21

This is the first put together of my Younger Bother character for my game

The Story.

The World of Eldora is a long one with a dark history and the deaths of many thousands of people ni it.

5000 years ago there was a huge was war that went on for 1000 years in the land of Eldora that all started when a tresure hunter discoverd a temple in some ruins now the power of raw magicia is what came from this temple and in eldora magic was seen as the power of god and was only controled by the most strong willed of people so not everyone could control it. So finding such a huge amount of it in one place was the biggest discovery in Eldora. When the knowledge of the magicia temple became known to the world the lords of the land began argueing over how it should belong to but nether would give it up because of there overwhleming greed and thuirs for more power over the other lords. This lead to war between the lords for the next 300 years over control of the magicia temple. now after that there a clan of magic wirlders that came the the land in search of knowledge about this temple and these people could weird magic unlike any others before them so after seeing there power the lords tried to pay them to help them take the magicia for there selfs.
But as the clan was not inertested in money or items of any sort and did not want to see so many people keep on getting killed they made it the mission to stop people from getting this magic so using the magic from the temple they pushed the ground around the temple down to put it into a canyon that no man could climb or escape from and to make sure the lords never came to try and take the magicia again they all gave there lifes to create a series of towers that shot raw magicia bolts at anyone that tried to cross into the canyon for many years tried to get into the canyon with no purveil.

After failing to get in to the canyon the lord gave up on getting to the temple and it all faded in to history and storys about the clans noble sackerfise to save the people of Eldora.

Now this is ware are story starts about 700 years after the clan sackerfise and it was all but forgoten about there was 2 bothers that lived in in the city of Nethine on the cost of Eldora now the bothers were 7 and 17 years of age we start with the older bother he has alwaays been wanting to get out and see the world but has always been a bit bitter towards his family because his father dosnt want for him to go anyware so he can help on the docks like his family has done for generations before him and he was always seen after his younger bother as he was the first born and came 2nd but he could never bring himself to hate or hunt him so when he turned 21 he killed his parents in cold blood but as he went to kill his younger bother he could not so he left that night and was heard of or seen by anyone that new him for 10 years. (From the night the older bother leaves is wear the play takes over and you follow the main storyline to take over Eldora).Now about half way thought the game you will be starting to play as the younger bother on his quest for reavenge against his older bother murder of his parents and the countless millions he has hurt up to now.

The run down is that on his adventures the older bother learns about the war over the temple and its magicia and goes about finding a way to get to it and using it to take over Eldora.

The younger bother story is one of vengences as after his bothers take over he goes about trying to take it back and giving it to the people once more.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Main Menu Vesion 2

this is my next vesions of games main menu that iv come with after i get it checked out by by a few friends then its ready to movein to flash.

Thursday, 5 May 2011


the only think to do for the game menu now is the buttons iv only got three in the main menu layout New Game, Load, and Opitions. this is just a vistial layout of the menu and will not work as a menu.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

The font design

This is my font designs that iv done for my final projects font over summer the final one is at the bottom with the purple colour effects this was an interesting part to all this and took a bit longer then i thought to get it down but the next step is to put it all in to flash and give it some movement and life too.

Stressful times

Im finding my work hard to do right now with all the stress im under for assessments but all i have to do is put my final pieces into flash which im downloading right now to start tomorrow.